Your dog is always happiest when its with you. And if you and your dog happen to be shopping at Modern Pet, you’ll both be happy. Our selection of dog food has been hand picked and specifically chosen to give your dog the best nutrition possible. Modern Pet offers the most unique and comprehensive line of dog clothes and accessories in Queens and beyond.

Good dog nutrition starts with good knowledge. We believe that the more you know about pet nutrition, the healthier your furry family members will be.

One great way to keep your dog happy is with fun and exciting clothing and accessories. We carry some of the industries most exclusive brands and hard-to-find designers.

We believe that the more you know about pet nutrition, the healthier your furry family members will be. Start by reading the ingredient panel on the food you feed them, or thinking about buying.
Don’t know what you’re reading? We can help you to understand what’s really in the bag or can. For example, here’s a quick rule of thumb—when it comes to dog food labels, less is more. The fewer the ingredients, the better.